Its Chemistry


What are the differences between physical and chemical reactions? Investigate the properties of both physical and chemical reactions.

SESSION activities

  • Separate a mixture using chromatography
  • Manufacture some very long chemical strings in a chemical reaction

SCIENCE EDUCATOR demonstrations

  • What is a mixture?
  • Use a variety of materials to predict what will happen.
  • Adding things together in a mixture to produce a physical change.

STUDENT experiments

  • Salt crush physical change.
  • Using magnets to change a mixture.
  • Using Chromatography to separate a mixture. Discuss results as demonstration happens.
  • Make a chemical string.




Australian curriculum

Yr 3 -4 Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties that can influence their use. (ACSSU074)

Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE061)

Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings (ACSIS216)

victorian curriculum

Yr 3-4 Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; these properties can influence their use (VCSSU060)

Safely use appropriate materials, tools, equipment and technologies. (VCSI067)

Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings. (VCSIS070)

A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat. (VCSS059)

